Your most personal possession

Your name is your most personal possession. There are many legitimate reasons why you might choose to change it: marriage or divorce; a desire for a child's name to match a parent's, establishing a connection to your religious beliefs; or bringing your name into harmony with your identity. Our firm understands the extensive thought and emotional consideration contributed to a decision to change your name.

Nevada State and Federal Law permits a person to change his or her name for any reason, except to evade the law or creditors. However, navigating the name change process in Nevada is not as simple as signing a form and appearing before a judge.

Barber Law Group is here to help make the process as simple as possible by providing experienced legal counsel to navigate the process with you. The process for an adult name change is different than a minor child name change and Barber Law Group can assist equally with both processes.

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If you need aggressive advocacy that’s tailored to your precise needs, we are ready, willing, and able to take your case. If that means occasionally playing hardball on your behalf, that is exactly what we’re prepared do. Some less charitable firms might even say that’s what we’re known for. And as our opponents well know ...

"You don’t want Barber Law Group against you!"

Your case is a serious matter, and you deserve the brightest, most experienced minds available, steering you through the complicated structure which is Nevada Law. When so much is riding on the line, Barber Law Group will protect you, your rights, and your assets.
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